Agenda Item Summary


Public Works Committee Meeting Date: 2/25/2014

City Council Meeting Date:  3/3/2014

Staff Contact: Stacey Titus

Petitioner: City of Rapid City

Location: East Rapid City between Reservoir Road and the Airport


Agenda Title:

Set Hearing date for SRF Application pertaining to the “East Rapid City Water System Expansion Project”.


The City is anticipating submitting an application for SRF loan funding for the “East Rapid City Water System Expansion Project”.   The project cost is anticipated to be approximately $5,000,000 of which the State has indicated they will forgive at least 50% of the loan amount.   In order for the City to proceed with making the application a public hearing needs to be held as part of the application process.   Conducting the public hearing in no way obligates the City to funding the project or accepting the SRF loan.

Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):



Cost Center



Cost Center

SRF Loan
















Action: Choose an item. Authorize staff to advertise the Public Hearing for the “East Rapid City Water System Expansion Project” on Wednesday, March 5, 2014 and conduct the hearing at the March 17, 2014, City Council meeting.

Notes:  Conducting the public hearing in no way obligates the City to funding the project or accepting the SRF loan

City Council Options:


Attachments & Links:

Draft of the Public Hearing Notice

Project Vicinity Map





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